Home Visits
We understand the important role each and every parent/carer plays in supporting the wellbeing and development of their child. It is with this in mind that when your child starts Nursery or Reception you will be welcomed to the school through a ‘Home Visit’. This is a great way of us getting to really know you and your child within your own environment. We have found these visits to be invaluable as they also help to alleviate any worries or concerns you or your child may have, while allowing you time to ask us any questions about school.
Learning Journey
Here at Saviour we have subscribed to the online learning journal, Tapestry, which gives you the opportunity from a computer or mobile device to see what learning and adventures your child has been up to during their day at school. By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to view all of your child's observations, photographs and even video clips. You can also contribute by commenting on your child's learning and sharing your own observations and 'wow' moments.
Please log on regularly for updates of what your child has been up to in school!
Stay and Play Sessions
Each half term we have a 'Stay and Play' session for parents and carers with children in early years. These sessions give you a chance to see what your child is learning and to get involved, as well as to meet other parents and chat informally to the teaching staff.
As part of our Manchester topic we have been learning about the paintings of local born artist L.S. Lowry. Parents and carers joined us to create Lowry inspired artwork.
Nursery and Reception children, parents and grandparents enjoyed their Christmas stay and play session, with Christmas crafts and a celebratory cream tea!
Home Visits
We understand the important role each and every parent/carer plays in supporting the wellbeing and development of their child. It is with this in mind that when your child starts Nursery or Reception you will be welcomed to the school through a ‘Home Visit’. This is a great way of us getting to really know you and your child within your own environment. We have found these visits to be invaluable as they also help to alleviate any worries or concerns you or your child may have, while allowing you time to ask us any questions about school.
Learning Journey
Here at Saviour we have subscribed to the online learning journal, Tapestry, which gives you the opportunity from a computer or mobile device to see what learning and adventures your child has been up to during their day at school. By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to view all of your child's observations, photographs and even video clips. You can also contribute by commenting on your child's learning and sharing your own observations and 'wow' moments.
Please log on regularly for updates of what your child has been up to in school!
Stay and Play Sessions
Each half term we have a 'Stay and Play' session for parents and carers with children in early years. These sessions give you a chance to see what your child is learning and to get involved, as well as to meet other parents and chat informally to the teaching staff.
As part of our Manchester topic we have been learning about the paintings of local born artist L.S. Lowry. Parents and carers joined us to create Lowry inspired artwork.
Nursery and Reception children, parents and grandparents enjoyed their Christmas stay and play session, with Christmas crafts and a celebratory cream tea!