School Meals


School dinners are provided by Dolce Schools Catering and are cooked on the premises costing £2.50 per day. These are ordered through a portal each week to select your child’s choices.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free school Meals.

Children in Key Stage 2 may be entitled to free school meals - please contact the office for further details to check to see if your child is eligible.

Children may bring a packed school lunch that is balanced and healthy. They are not allowed fizzy drinks or sweets.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a healthy piece of fruit each day. Children in Key Stage 2 can purchase a cereal bar form the school council at 20p each or bring a healthy snack of their own.

Every child is given a refillable bottle to ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day. These are cleaned and refilled by school staff. We discourage single use plastic bottles.

School Grid

Remember to register with our online platform, School Grid, which allows you to pre-order and pay for your child’s school meals from home. We please ask that you complete your orders by the Sunday of the previous week, so that your child’s meals can be prepped and ready on time. For example, if Monday is 4th September, please complete your order by Sunday 3rd September.

This is a great way of ensuring that your child eats the food they want to eat, rather than what is left over in the canteen. It also gives parents greater control of your child’s dietary intake, and allows you to keep any dietary requirements up to date.

For more information and guidance on how to set up your account, please view the documents below.

School Grid

Parents Information Sheet

Parents Letter

School Meals


School dinners are provided by Dolce Schools Catering and are cooked on the premises costing £2.50 per day. These are ordered through a portal each week to select your child’s choices.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free school Meals.

Children in Key Stage 2 may be entitled to free school meals - please contact the office for further details to check to see if your child is eligible.

Children may bring a packed school lunch that is balanced and healthy. They are not allowed fizzy drinks or sweets.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a healthy piece of fruit each day. Children in Key Stage 2 can purchase a cereal bar form the school council at 20p each or bring a healthy snack of their own.

Every child is given a refillable bottle to ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day. These are cleaned and refilled by school staff. We discourage single use plastic bottles.

School Grid

Remember to register with our online platform, School Grid, which allows you to pre-order and pay for your child’s school meals from home. We please ask that you complete your orders by the Sunday of the previous week, so that your child’s meals can be prepped and ready on time. For example, if Monday is 4th September, please complete your order by Sunday 3rd September.

This is a great way of ensuring that your child eats the food they want to eat, rather than what is left over in the canteen. It also gives parents greater control of your child’s dietary intake, and allows you to keep any dietary requirements up to date.

For more information and guidance on how to set up your account, please view the documents below.

School Grid

Parents Information Sheet

Parents Letter

School Meals


School dinners are provided by Dolce Schools Catering and are cooked on the premises costing £2.50 per day. These are ordered through a portal each week to select your child’s choices.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free school Meals.

Children in Key Stage 2 may be entitled to free school meals - please contact the office for further details to check to see if your child is eligible.

Children may bring a packed school lunch that is balanced and healthy. They are not allowed fizzy drinks or sweets.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a healthy piece of fruit each day. Children in Key Stage 2 can purchase a cereal bar form the school council at 20p each or bring a healthy snack of their own.

Every child is given a refillable bottle to ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day. These are cleaned and refilled by school staff. We discourage single use plastic bottles.

School Grid

Remember to register with our online platform, School Grid, which allows you to pre-order and pay for your child’s school meals from home. We please ask that you complete your orders by the Sunday of the previous week, so that your child’s meals can be prepped and ready on time. For example, if Monday is 4th September, please complete your order by Sunday 3rd September.

This is a great way of ensuring that your child eats the food they want to eat, rather than what is left over in the canteen. It also gives parents greater control of your child’s dietary intake, and allows you to keep any dietary requirements up to date.

For more information and guidance on how to set up your account, please view the documents below.

School Grid

Parents Information Sheet

Parents Letter

School Meals


School dinners are provided by Dolce Schools Catering and are cooked on the premises costing £2.50 per day. These are ordered through a portal each week to select your child’s choices.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free school Meals.

Children in Key Stage 2 may be entitled to free school meals - please contact the office for further details to check to see if your child is eligible.

Children may bring a packed school lunch that is balanced and healthy. They are not allowed fizzy drinks or sweets.

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a healthy piece of fruit each day. Children in Key Stage 2 can purchase a cereal bar form the school council at 20p each or bring a healthy snack of their own.

Every child is given a refillable bottle to ensure that they drink plenty of water throughout the day. These are cleaned and refilled by school staff. We discourage single use plastic bottles.

School Grid

Remember to register with our online platform, School Grid, which allows you to pre-order and pay for your child’s school meals from home. We please ask that you complete your orders by the Sunday of the previous week, so that your child’s meals can be prepped and ready on time. For example, if Monday is 4th September, please complete your order by Sunday 3rd September.

This is a great way of ensuring that your child eats the food they want to eat, rather than what is left over in the canteen. It also gives parents greater control of your child’s dietary intake, and allows you to keep any dietary requirements up to date.

For more information and guidance on how to set up your account, please view the documents below.

School Grid

Parents Information Sheet

Parents Letter