Pastoral Support

The Pastoral Team provides support for pupils and families who might have worries or concerns.  Pastoral Support is provided by Mrs Shallaker and Miss Aykroyd.  For SEN pupils, support is provided by our SENDCo, Miss Reed (  The staff work closely with external agencies to support our pupils and their families and ensure that all pupils come into school happy and able to learn.
At Saviour we want to ensure that all our pupils achieve their full potential.  Support is provided using Early Help assessments and Team Around the Family meetings.  We are able to signpost families to a variety of services for support too.  We can complete referrals to Wood Street Mission, Gaddum Centre, Parenting Courses or Gateway for example.  We can help with food parcels, school uniform and Breakfast Club.
We are working towards becoming a trauma informed school and staff have received training around this approach.  We ensure that pupils who have been identified as experiencing some sort of trauma are supported in school via pastoral interventions.
The Pastoral Team meet every Friday afternoon.  Please put any requests for Breakfast Club places in writing.
If you feel that your family would benefit from some support, please make an appointment at the School Office to see Mrs Shallaker or Miss Aykroyd.


At Saviour CE Primary School we understand that family life can have its ups and downs.  Sometimes families just need a little bit of extra help.


For times like this we have an “Early Help Offer” to support our families.


We can offer advice on a range of concerns or signpost parents to other sources of information, help and support.


What sort of concerns might parents share with us?

A wide range of issues such as behaviour, financial worries and debts, domestic abuse, housing concerns, health, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying - anything that you think might be having a negative impact on your child(ren).


What school can offer to help?

·        Advice from Family Support Worker

·        An Early Help Assessment and referral to the Early Help Hub

·        Referrals to Parenting Courses

·        Senior Mental Health Lead

·        1 x trained Trauma Informed pastoral worker

·        Free Breakfast Club

·        Food bank / essentials

·        Lunchtime Play Leaders

·        Signs of Safety toolkit

·        In house safeguarding protocols (1 DSL, 3 DDSLs, 1 named Governor)

·        Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics

·        Speech and Language Therapy

·        Parents evening stalls – housing, health, Early Years outreach etc

·        PCSO’s

·        Parent Information Sessions

·        Forest School

·        Gardening Club

·        After school extra curricular activities

     Pupil Voice Opportunities – Rights Respecting, School Council, Digital Ambassadors 

·        Free fruit and school water bottles

·        Support with school uniform

·        Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe

·        A check for entitlement to Free School Meals

·        Who might the school refer to?

·        The Early Help Team

·        Children and Young People's Services

·        CAPs Parenting Team

·        Mcr Youth Zone

·        MThrive

·        HIP

·        Mcr Food Bank

·        Bread & Butter Thing

·        Wood Street Mission

·        Mustard Tree

·        Counselling Services

·        Bereavement Services

·        School Nurse and Health

·        Speech and Language Therapist 

·        Educational Psychologist

·        Early Years Outreach

·        Young Carers

·        The Gateway

·        SENDIAS

·        School Attendance Team 


Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require any support – we’re here to help.


Ask at the School Office or call us on 0161 205 1221 to make an appointment with Mrs Shallaker.






Pastoral Support

The Pastoral Team provides support for pupils and families who might have worries or concerns.  Pastoral Support is provided by Mrs Shallaker and Miss Aykroyd.  For SEN pupils, support is provided by our SENDCo, Miss Reed (  The staff work closely with external agencies to support our pupils and their families and ensure that all pupils come into school happy and able to learn.
At Saviour we want to ensure that all our pupils achieve their full potential.  Support is provided using Early Help assessments and Team Around the Family meetings.  We are able to signpost families to a variety of services for support too.  We can complete referrals to Wood Street Mission, Gaddum Centre, Parenting Courses or Gateway for example.  We can help with food parcels, school uniform and Breakfast Club.
We are working towards becoming a trauma informed school and staff have received training around this approach.  We ensure that pupils who have been identified as experiencing some sort of trauma are supported in school via pastoral interventions.
The Pastoral Team meet every Friday afternoon.  Please put any requests for Breakfast Club places in writing.
If you feel that your family would benefit from some support, please make an appointment at the School Office to see Mrs Shallaker or Miss Aykroyd.


At Saviour CE Primary School we understand that family life can have its ups and downs.  Sometimes families just need a little bit of extra help.


For times like this we have an “Early Help Offer” to support our families.


We can offer advice on a range of concerns or signpost parents to other sources of information, help and support.


What sort of concerns might parents share with us?

A wide range of issues such as behaviour, financial worries and debts, domestic abuse, housing concerns, health, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying - anything that you think might be having a negative impact on your child(ren).


What school can offer to help?

·        Advice from Family Support Worker

·        An Early Help Assessment and referral to the Early Help Hub

·        Referrals to Parenting Courses

·        Senior Mental Health Lead

·        1 x trained Trauma Informed pastoral worker

·        Free Breakfast Club

·        Food bank / essentials

·        Lunchtime Play Leaders

·        Signs of Safety toolkit

·        In house safeguarding protocols (1 DSL, 3 DDSLs, 1 named Governor)

·        Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics

·        Speech and Language Therapy

·        Parents evening stalls – housing, health, Early Years outreach etc

·        PCSO’s

·        Parent Information Sessions

·        Forest School

·        Gardening Club

·        After school extra curricular activities

     Pupil Voice Opportunities – Rights Respecting, School Council, Digital Ambassadors 

·        Free fruit and school water bottles

·        Support with school uniform

·        Curriculum provision and additional work from outside agencies support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe

·        A check for entitlement to Free School Meals

·        Who might the school refer to?

·        The Early Help Team

·        Children and Young People's Services

·        CAPs Parenting Team

·        Mcr Youth Zone

·        MThrive

·        HIP

·        Mcr Food Bank

·        Bread & Butter Thing

·        Wood Street Mission

·        Mustard Tree

·        Counselling Services

·        Bereavement Services

·        School Nurse and Health

·        Speech and Language Therapist 

·        Educational Psychologist

·        Early Years Outreach

·        Young Carers

·        The Gateway

·        SENDIAS

·        School Attendance Team 


Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require any support – we’re here to help.


Ask at the School Office or call us on 0161 205 1221 to make an appointment with Mrs Shallaker.