At Saviour, we provide a rich high-quality science education that stimulates our children's inquisitive minds and provides them with the foundations for understanding the world. We build and enrich the children’s science capital to enable them to make aspirational choices in their future and develop their identities as scientists. Knowledge and skills are explicitly taught so that our pupils become confident, methodical and analytical scientists that recognise the significance of science in their everyday lives.
In Reception, we aim to sow the seeds for future learning of scientific concepts. We have carefully planned experiences which introduce them to a wide range of simple vocabulary that enables them to categorise and describe the natural world. These key experiences are linked to an overarching topic for the half-term. The Statutory Framework for EYFS and the guidance from Development Matters have been broken down into the key knowledge, which has been progressively matched to the school’s science curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2 follow the Rising Stars’ scheme, ‘Switched on Science – Second Edition’. Skills, knowledge and vocabulary are progressively mapped out across the year groups to ensure that pupils will acquire a solid foundation for KS3. Our progressive objectives identify what pupils should know by the end of each year group, which enables teachers to identify and plug gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.
Enriching the Science Curriculum
To nurture our children’s spirit of enquiry and encourage their enjoyment of Science, we supplement classroom learning with exciting activities and events outside the curriculum.
Free ways to boost your child’s science capital:
At Saviour, we provide a rich high-quality science education that stimulates our children's inquisitive minds and provides them with the foundations for understanding the world. We build and enrich the children’s science capital to enable them to make aspirational choices in their future and develop their identities as scientists. Knowledge and skills are explicitly taught so that our pupils become confident, methodical and analytical scientists that recognise the significance of science in their everyday lives.
In Reception, we aim to sow the seeds for future learning of scientific concepts. We have carefully planned experiences which introduce them to a wide range of simple vocabulary that enables them to categorise and describe the natural world. These key experiences are linked to an overarching topic for the half-term. The Statutory Framework for EYFS and the guidance from Development Matters have been broken down into the key knowledge, which has been progressively matched to the school’s science curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2 follow the Rising Stars’ scheme, ‘Switched on Science – Second Edition’. Skills, knowledge and vocabulary are progressively mapped out across the year groups to ensure that pupils will acquire a solid foundation for KS3. Our progressive objectives identify what pupils should know by the end of each year group, which enables teachers to identify and plug gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.
Enriching the Science Curriculum
To nurture our children’s spirit of enquiry and encourage their enjoyment of Science, we supplement classroom learning with exciting activities and events outside the curriculum.
Free ways to boost your child’s science capital:
At Saviour, we provide a rich high-quality science education that stimulates our children's inquisitive minds and provides them with the foundations for understanding the world. We build and enrich the children’s science capital to enable them to make aspirational choices in their future and develop their identities as scientists. Knowledge and skills are explicitly taught so that our pupils become confident, methodical and analytical scientists that recognise the significance of science in their everyday lives.
In Reception, we aim to sow the seeds for future learning of scientific concepts. We have carefully planned experiences which introduce them to a wide range of simple vocabulary that enables them to categorise and describe the natural world. These key experiences are linked to an overarching topic for the half-term. The Statutory Framework for EYFS and the guidance from Development Matters have been broken down into the key knowledge, which has been progressively matched to the school’s science curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2 follow the Rising Stars’ scheme, ‘Switched on Science – Second Edition’. Skills, knowledge and vocabulary are progressively mapped out across the year groups to ensure that pupils will acquire a solid foundation for KS3. Our progressive objectives identify what pupils should know by the end of each year group, which enables teachers to identify and plug gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.
Enriching the Science Curriculum
To nurture our children’s spirit of enquiry and encourage their enjoyment of Science, we supplement classroom learning with exciting activities and events outside the curriculum.
Free ways to boost your child’s science capital: