Online Safety and Internet use
At Saviour Primary School, protecting our children’s online safety is of the utmost importance, especially as we use more online platforms and resources to support our learning. Please visit the links below for advice on how to balance your child’s screentime and keep them safe online.
Safeguarding Support
Saviour C of E Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We have a number of policies in place to ensure all pupils are protected from harm. All staff are regularly trained and kept up-to-date with safeguarding policies to maintain our school as a safe and supportive learning environment.
If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a member of our school, please talk to our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Shallaker or one of the Deputy DSLs (Mr Connaghan, Miss Hamilton, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Anderson)
Useful Links