


We have developed a book-led curriculum to excite and engage children, where books are the driving force for learning new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Core texts have been carefully selected to ensure that they are high-quality and engaging and that they support the learning linked to the National Curriculum. Supplementary texts have also been selected to ensure that topics are enriched with a range of literature. 

We use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out, whilst also corresponding with our phonics programme. Assessments are made daily through guided reading, 1:1 reading and when reading across the curriculum. We use NFER tests three times a year to support teachers’ own assessments and KS2 pupils also complete STAR reading tests four times per year.

To equip children with the skills and passion to become competent lifelong readers, we provide the following:

  • Daily Guided Reading
  • Regular Reading Aloud
  • Phonetically Controlled Books
  • Reading in other areas of the curriculum
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Regular Reading Practice
  • An Inspiring and Current Reading Environment
  • Two Life-Changing Libraries
  • An elite group of readers called 'Team Read'
  • Author Visits
  • Reading Events
  • Books at Home

Our Reading Curriculum is built upon the objectives within the National Curriculum and we use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out.

Reading Curriculum Overview

See below for a more detailed look into how we fulfil the intent of our reading curriculum:

Daily Guided reading

KS2 use their topic-related books and texts that are matched to the reading age-related expectations for their year. KS1 use phonetically controlled books linked to phonics lessons. Teachers use the First Class Reading scheme and question stem cards which ensure all reading objectives are progressively studied. We are developing our approach to teaching guided reading by using evidence-based research from Christopher Such. Our timetables for guided reading include fluency practice, extended reading and close reading.

Reading in other areas of the curriculum
Each English unit, beings with reading lessons that engage the children with a high-quality text to ensure that reading is inspiring their writing. Shared reading is carefully planned considering questions linked to the content domains, teaching new vocabulary and providing additional practice in decoding. Our book-led curriculum means reading for purpose is evident across the school day.


Reading Aloud
To develop a culture of reading for pleasure, teachers read aloud to the children daily. We call this STAR time (Stop Teaching And Read). Teachers choose high-quality texts from the Reading Spine or from their carefully selected class libraries. We also have teacher-led reading groups. 


The KS2 reading club have loved reading Thomas Taylor's series of books 'Legends of Eerie-On-Sea' together and even got the matching t-shirts!

Phonetically controlled books

Reception and KS1 children take home phonetically controlled texts that are from or carefully matched to our phonics programme Sounds-Write. Guided reading books for KS1 are also phonetically controlled. The children also have access to these further phonetically decodable books at home through the ActiveLearn website.

Accelerated Reader

KS2 children take home reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ages. We use Accelerated Reader, which assesses their reading ages at least 4 times per year.  After reading their book, children are required to take a quiz that assesses their comprehension of the text. Teachers monitor the children’s progress and provide targeted, prompt interventions when needed. Accelerated Reader provides lots of opportunities to motivate and reward the children for independent reading. We have a word millionaires board, award certificates in assembly and give reading rewards like the family reading cafe.


Reading Practice

We aim to ensure our children read for a least 20 minutes each day. Reading is promoted as the most important form of homework and this is monitored daily by staff through homework books. Children in reception and KS1 are listened to read 1:1 to ensure they are decoding successfully and gaining fluency. Children who are still developing fluency in reading in KS2 are also regularly listened to read 1:1. Assembly times are used for reading interventions to help children keep up and catch up.

Reading Environment

Reading and books are showcased and celebrated all around the school. These book displays are changed regularly and reflect the current themes and topics being explored. Children can be often found reading around the school at break and lunchtimes. Classroom doors display books that have been read by the class to promote discussions. The corridors that lead to our KS1 library, are invitingly decorated with the children's favourite characters. Classrooms have well-organised libraries that are stocked with high quality, carefully chosen texts, including multiple copies of books from the year group’s reading spine and topic themed books. Whole class sets of books have been invested in and are continuing to grow. 

Life-Changing Libraries

Here at Saviour, we are extremely lucky to have two brand new Life-Changing Libraries, opened by Cressida Cowell herself. The libraries are well stocked with an abundance of high quality, diverse and inclusive range of books. We also have regular magazine subscriptions and a Toniebox for audiobooks. The children are able to visit the library as often as they like and take out books/magazines to read at home. A dedicated slot on the timetable also ensures all children experience the library, and that staff can support and enthuse the children when choosing a book.

Team Read

We have an elite group of adults and children who are passionate readers. They wear a special badge and it is their job to spread their love of reading, recommend books and be reading role models around the school. We also have seven special ambassadors who are our school librarians. See Team Read's top tips for home reading here.

Author visits

A key part of taking part in the library initiative is giving the children the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators. We ensure the children have a range of opportunities to meet inspirational people throughout the year. In the last year, the children have met Cressida Cowell, Tom Palmer, Joseph Coelho, Steve Smallman, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Emma Jackson. Visiting authors sign the author walls in our libraries.

Reading Events

Although books are celebrated every day at Saviour, we also hold special reading events to promote awareness, create excitement and highlight the importance of reading to the whole school community. These events include World Book Day, World Poetry Day and Book Trust's Pyjamarama.

Books at home

We are committed to ensuring every child in our school not only has access to books at home, but also access to their own books. We aim to build each child’s personal library in the following ways: Prizes in school are always books, books are bought as Christmas presents, Scholastic book fairs, Marcus Rashford’s Book Club, entering competitions and prize draws and through additional funding.




We have developed a book-led curriculum to excite and engage children, where books are the driving force for learning new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Core texts have been carefully selected to ensure that they are high-quality and engaging and that they support the learning linked to the National Curriculum. Supplementary texts have also been selected to ensure that topics are enriched with a range of literature. 

We use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out, whilst also corresponding with our phonics programme. Assessments are made daily through guided reading, 1:1 reading and when reading across the curriculum. We use NFER tests three times a year to support teachers’ own assessments and KS2 pupils also complete STAR reading tests four times per year.

To equip children with the skills and passion to become competent lifelong readers, we provide the following:

  • Daily Guided Reading
  • Regular Reading Aloud
  • Phonetically Controlled Books
  • Reading in other areas of the curriculum
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Regular Reading Practice
  • An Inspiring and Current Reading Environment
  • Two Life-Changing Libraries
  • An elite group of readers called 'Team Read'
  • Author Visits
  • Reading Events
  • Books at Home

Our Reading Curriculum is built upon the objectives within the National Curriculum and we use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out.

Reading Curriculum Overview

See below for a more detailed look into how we fulfil the intent of our reading curriculum:

Daily Guided reading

KS2 use their topic-related books and texts that are matched to the reading age-related expectations for their year. KS1 use phonetically controlled books linked to phonics lessons. Teachers use the First Class Reading scheme and question stem cards which ensure all reading objectives are progressively studied. We are developing our approach to teaching guided reading by using evidence-based research from Christopher Such. Our timetables for guided reading include fluency practice, extended reading and close reading.

Reading in other areas of the curriculum
Each English unit, beings with reading lessons that engage the children with a high-quality text to ensure that reading is inspiring their writing. Shared reading is carefully planned considering questions linked to the content domains, teaching new vocabulary and providing additional practice in decoding. Our book-led curriculum means reading for purpose is evident across the school day.


Reading Aloud
To develop a culture of reading for pleasure, teachers read aloud to the children daily. We call this STAR time (Stop Teaching And Read). Teachers choose high-quality texts from the Reading Spine or from their carefully selected class libraries. We also have teacher-led reading groups. 


The KS2 reading club have loved reading Thomas Taylor's series of books 'Legends of Eerie-On-Sea' together and even got the matching t-shirts!

Phonetically controlled books

Reception and KS1 children take home phonetically controlled texts that are from or carefully matched to our phonics programme Sounds-Write. Guided reading books for KS1 are also phonetically controlled. The children also have access to these further phonetically decodable books at home through the ActiveLearn website.

Accelerated Reader

KS2 children take home reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ages. We use Accelerated Reader, which assesses their reading ages at least 4 times per year.  After reading their book, children are required to take a quiz that assesses their comprehension of the text. Teachers monitor the children’s progress and provide targeted, prompt interventions when needed. Accelerated Reader provides lots of opportunities to motivate and reward the children for independent reading. We have a word millionaires board, award certificates in assembly and give reading rewards like the family reading cafe.


Reading Practice

We aim to ensure our children read for a least 20 minutes each day. Reading is promoted as the most important form of homework and this is monitored daily by staff through homework books. Children in reception and KS1 are listened to read 1:1 to ensure they are decoding successfully and gaining fluency. Children who are still developing fluency in reading in KS2 are also regularly listened to read 1:1. Assembly times are used for reading interventions to help children keep up and catch up.

Reading Environment

Reading and books are showcased and celebrated all around the school. These book displays are changed regularly and reflect the current themes and topics being explored. Children can be often found reading around the school at break and lunchtimes. Classroom doors display books that have been read by the class to promote discussions. The corridors that lead to our KS1 library, are invitingly decorated with the children's favourite characters. Classrooms have well-organised libraries that are stocked with high quality, carefully chosen texts, including multiple copies of books from the year group’s reading spine and topic themed books. Whole class sets of books have been invested in and are continuing to grow. 

Life-Changing Libraries

Here at Saviour, we are extremely lucky to have two brand new Life-Changing Libraries, opened by Cressida Cowell herself. The libraries are well stocked with an abundance of high quality, diverse and inclusive range of books. We also have regular magazine subscriptions and a Toniebox for audiobooks. The children are able to visit the library as often as they like and take out books/magazines to read at home. A dedicated slot on the timetable also ensures all children experience the library, and that staff can support and enthuse the children when choosing a book.

Team Read

We have an elite group of adults and children who are passionate readers. They wear a special badge and it is their job to spread their love of reading, recommend books and be reading role models around the school. We also have seven special ambassadors who are our school librarians. See Team Read's top tips for home reading here.

Author visits

A key part of taking part in the library initiative is giving the children the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators. We ensure the children have a range of opportunities to meet inspirational people throughout the year. In the last year, the children have met Cressida Cowell, Tom Palmer, Joseph Coelho, Steve Smallman, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Emma Jackson. Visiting authors sign the author walls in our libraries.

Reading Events

Although books are celebrated every day at Saviour, we also hold special reading events to promote awareness, create excitement and highlight the importance of reading to the whole school community. These events include World Book Day, World Poetry Day and Book Trust's Pyjamarama.

Books at home

We are committed to ensuring every child in our school not only has access to books at home, but also access to their own books. We aim to build each child’s personal library in the following ways: Prizes in school are always books, books are bought as Christmas presents, Scholastic book fairs, Marcus Rashford’s Book Club, entering competitions and prize draws and through additional funding.




We have developed a book-led curriculum to excite and engage children, where books are the driving force for learning new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Core texts have been carefully selected to ensure that they are high-quality and engaging and that they support the learning linked to the National Curriculum. Supplementary texts have also been selected to ensure that topics are enriched with a range of literature. 

We use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out, whilst also corresponding with our phonics programme. Assessments are made daily through guided reading, 1:1 reading and when reading across the curriculum. We use NFER tests three times a year to support teachers’ own assessments and KS2 pupils also complete STAR reading tests four times per year.

To equip children with the skills and passion to become competent lifelong readers, we provide the following:

  • Daily Guided Reading
  • Regular Reading Aloud
  • Phonetically Controlled Books
  • Reading in other areas of the curriculum
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Regular Reading Practice
  • An Inspiring and Current Reading Environment
  • Two Life-Changing Libraries
  • An elite group of readers called 'Team Read'
  • Author Visits
  • Reading Events
  • Books at Home

Our Reading Curriculum is built upon the objectives within the National Curriculum and we use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out.

Reading Curriculum Overview

See below for a more detailed look into how we fulfil the intent of our reading curriculum:

Daily Guided reading

KS2 use their topic-related books and texts that are matched to the reading age-related expectations for their year. KS1 use phonetically controlled books linked to phonics lessons. Teachers use the First Class Reading scheme and question stem cards which ensure all reading objectives are progressively studied. We are developing our approach to teaching guided reading by using evidence-based research from Christopher Such. Our timetables for guided reading include fluency practice, extended reading and close reading.

Reading in other areas of the curriculum
Each English unit, beings with reading lessons that engage the children with a high-quality text to ensure that reading is inspiring their writing. Shared reading is carefully planned considering questions linked to the content domains, teaching new vocabulary and providing additional practice in decoding. Our book-led curriculum means reading for purpose is evident across the school day.


Reading Aloud
To develop a culture of reading for pleasure, teachers read aloud to the children daily. We call this STAR time (Stop Teaching And Read). Teachers choose high-quality texts from the Reading Spine or from their carefully selected class libraries. We also have teacher-led reading groups. 


The KS2 reading club have loved reading Thomas Taylor's series of books 'Legends of Eerie-On-Sea' together and even got the matching t-shirts!

Phonetically controlled books

Reception and KS1 children take home phonetically controlled texts that are from or carefully matched to our phonics programme Sounds-Write. Guided reading books for KS1 are also phonetically controlled. The children also have access to these further phonetically decodable books at home through the ActiveLearn website.

Accelerated Reader

KS2 children take home reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ages. We use Accelerated Reader, which assesses their reading ages at least 4 times per year.  After reading their book, children are required to take a quiz that assesses their comprehension of the text. Teachers monitor the children’s progress and provide targeted, prompt interventions when needed. Accelerated Reader provides lots of opportunities to motivate and reward the children for independent reading. We have a word millionaires board, award certificates in assembly and give reading rewards like the family reading cafe.


Reading Practice

We aim to ensure our children read for a least 20 minutes each day. Reading is promoted as the most important form of homework and this is monitored daily by staff through homework books. Children in reception and KS1 are listened to read 1:1 to ensure they are decoding successfully and gaining fluency. Children who are still developing fluency in reading in KS2 are also regularly listened to read 1:1. Assembly times are used for reading interventions to help children keep up and catch up.

Reading Environment

Reading and books are showcased and celebrated all around the school. These book displays are changed regularly and reflect the current themes and topics being explored. Children can be often found reading around the school at break and lunchtimes. Classroom doors display books that have been read by the class to promote discussions. The corridors that lead to our KS1 library, are invitingly decorated with the children's favourite characters. Classrooms have well-organised libraries that are stocked with high quality, carefully chosen texts, including multiple copies of books from the year group’s reading spine and topic themed books. Whole class sets of books have been invested in and are continuing to grow. 

Life-Changing Libraries

Here at Saviour, we are extremely lucky to have two brand new Life-Changing Libraries, opened by Cressida Cowell herself. The libraries are well stocked with an abundance of high quality, diverse and inclusive range of books. We also have regular magazine subscriptions and a Toniebox for audiobooks. The children are able to visit the library as often as they like and take out books/magazines to read at home. A dedicated slot on the timetable also ensures all children experience the library, and that staff can support and enthuse the children when choosing a book.

Team Read

We have an elite group of adults and children who are passionate readers. They wear a special badge and it is their job to spread their love of reading, recommend books and be reading role models around the school. We also have seven special ambassadors who are our school librarians. See Team Read's top tips for home reading here.

Author visits

A key part of taking part in the library initiative is giving the children the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators. We ensure the children have a range of opportunities to meet inspirational people throughout the year. In the last year, the children have met Cressida Cowell, Tom Palmer, Joseph Coelho, Steve Smallman, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Emma Jackson. Visiting authors sign the author walls in our libraries.

Reading Events

Although books are celebrated every day at Saviour, we also hold special reading events to promote awareness, create excitement and highlight the importance of reading to the whole school community. These events include World Book Day, World Poetry Day and Book Trust's Pyjamarama.

Books at home

We are committed to ensuring every child in our school not only has access to books at home, but also access to their own books. We aim to build each child’s personal library in the following ways: Prizes in school are always books, books are bought as Christmas presents, Scholastic book fairs, Marcus Rashford’s Book Club, entering competitions and prize draws and through additional funding.




We have developed a book-led curriculum to excite and engage children, where books are the driving force for learning new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Core texts have been carefully selected to ensure that they are high-quality and engaging and that they support the learning linked to the National Curriculum. Supplementary texts have also been selected to ensure that topics are enriched with a range of literature. 

We use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out, whilst also corresponding with our phonics programme. Assessments are made daily through guided reading, 1:1 reading and when reading across the curriculum. We use NFER tests three times a year to support teachers’ own assessments and KS2 pupils also complete STAR reading tests four times per year.

To equip children with the skills and passion to become competent lifelong readers, we provide the following:

  • Daily Guided Reading
  • Regular Reading Aloud
  • Phonetically Controlled Books
  • Reading in other areas of the curriculum
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Regular Reading Practice
  • An Inspiring and Current Reading Environment
  • Two Life-Changing Libraries
  • An elite group of readers called 'Team Read'
  • Author Visits
  • Reading Events
  • Books at Home

Our Reading Curriculum is built upon the objectives within the National Curriculum and we use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out.

Reading Curriculum Overview

See below for a more detailed look into how we fulfil the intent of our reading curriculum:

Daily Guided reading

KS2 use their topic-related books and texts that are matched to the reading age-related expectations for their year. KS1 use phonetically controlled books linked to phonics lessons. Teachers use the First Class Reading scheme and question stem cards which ensure all reading objectives are progressively studied. We are developing our approach to teaching guided reading by using evidence-based research from Christopher Such. Our timetables for guided reading include fluency practice, extended reading and close reading.

Reading in other areas of the curriculum
Each English unit, beings with reading lessons that engage the children with a high-quality text to ensure that reading is inspiring their writing. Shared reading is carefully planned considering questions linked to the content domains, teaching new vocabulary and providing additional practice in decoding. Our book-led curriculum means reading for purpose is evident across the school day.


Reading Aloud
To develop a culture of reading for pleasure, teachers read aloud to the children daily. We call this STAR time (Stop Teaching And Read). Teachers choose high-quality texts from the Reading Spine or from their carefully selected class libraries. We also have teacher-led reading groups. 


The KS2 reading club have loved reading Thomas Taylor's series of books 'Legends of Eerie-On-Sea' together and even got the matching t-shirts!

Phonetically controlled books

Reception and KS1 children take home phonetically controlled texts that are from or carefully matched to our phonics programme Sounds-Write. Guided reading books for KS1 are also phonetically controlled. The children also have access to these further phonetically decodable books at home through the ActiveLearn website.

Accelerated Reader

KS2 children take home reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ages. We use Accelerated Reader, which assesses their reading ages at least 4 times per year.  After reading their book, children are required to take a quiz that assesses their comprehension of the text. Teachers monitor the children’s progress and provide targeted, prompt interventions when needed. Accelerated Reader provides lots of opportunities to motivate and reward the children for independent reading. We have a word millionaires board, award certificates in assembly and give reading rewards like the family reading cafe.


Reading Practice

We aim to ensure our children read for a least 20 minutes each day. Reading is promoted as the most important form of homework and this is monitored daily by staff through homework books. Children in reception and KS1 are listened to read 1:1 to ensure they are decoding successfully and gaining fluency. Children who are still developing fluency in reading in KS2 are also regularly listened to read 1:1. Assembly times are used for reading interventions to help children keep up and catch up.

Reading Environment

Reading and books are showcased and celebrated all around the school. These book displays are changed regularly and reflect the current themes and topics being explored. Children can be often found reading around the school at break and lunchtimes. Classroom doors display books that have been read by the class to promote discussions. The corridors that lead to our KS1 library, are invitingly decorated with the children's favourite characters. Classrooms have well-organised libraries that are stocked with high quality, carefully chosen texts, including multiple copies of books from the year group’s reading spine and topic themed books. Whole class sets of books have been invested in and are continuing to grow. 

Life-Changing Libraries

Here at Saviour, we are extremely lucky to have two brand new Life-Changing Libraries, opened by Cressida Cowell herself. The libraries are well stocked with an abundance of high quality, diverse and inclusive range of books. We also have regular magazine subscriptions and a Toniebox for audiobooks. The children are able to visit the library as often as they like and take out books/magazines to read at home. A dedicated slot on the timetable also ensures all children experience the library, and that staff can support and enthuse the children when choosing a book.

Team Read

We have an elite group of adults and children who are passionate readers. They wear a special badge and it is their job to spread their love of reading, recommend books and be reading role models around the school. We also have seven special ambassadors who are our school librarians. See Team Read's top tips for home reading here.

Author visits

A key part of taking part in the library initiative is giving the children the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators. We ensure the children have a range of opportunities to meet inspirational people throughout the year. In the last year, the children have met Cressida Cowell, Tom Palmer, Joseph Coelho, Steve Smallman, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Emma Jackson. Visiting authors sign the author walls in our libraries.

Reading Events

Although books are celebrated every day at Saviour, we also hold special reading events to promote awareness, create excitement and highlight the importance of reading to the whole school community. These events include World Book Day, World Poetry Day and Book Trust's Pyjamarama.

Books at home

We are committed to ensuring every child in our school not only has access to books at home, but also access to their own books. We aim to build each child’s personal library in the following ways: Prizes in school are always books, books are bought as Christmas presents, Scholastic book fairs, Marcus Rashford’s Book Club, entering competitions and prize draws and through additional funding.




We have developed a book-led curriculum to excite and engage children, where books are the driving force for learning new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Core texts have been carefully selected to ensure that they are high-quality and engaging and that they support the learning linked to the National Curriculum. Supplementary texts have also been selected to ensure that topics are enriched with a range of literature. 

We use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out, whilst also corresponding with our phonics programme. Assessments are made daily through guided reading, 1:1 reading and when reading across the curriculum. We use NFER tests three times a year to support teachers’ own assessments and KS2 pupils also complete STAR reading tests four times per year.

To equip children with the skills and passion to become competent lifelong readers, we provide the following:

  • Daily Guided Reading
  • Regular Reading Aloud
  • Phonetically Controlled Books
  • Reading in other areas of the curriculum
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Regular Reading Practice
  • An Inspiring and Current Reading Environment
  • Two Life-Changing Libraries
  • An elite group of readers called 'Team Read'
  • Author Visits
  • Reading Events
  • Books at Home

Our Reading Curriculum is built upon the objectives within the National Curriculum and we use the First Class Reading Scheme to ensure our curriculum is detailed and progressively mapped out.

Reading Curriculum Overview

See below for a more detailed look into how we fulfil the intent of our reading curriculum:

Daily Guided reading

KS2 use their topic-related books and texts that are matched to the reading age-related expectations for their year. KS1 use phonetically controlled books linked to phonics lessons. Teachers use the First Class Reading scheme and question stem cards which ensure all reading objectives are progressively studied. We are developing our approach to teaching guided reading by using evidence-based research from Christopher Such. Our timetables for guided reading include fluency practice, extended reading and close reading.

Reading in other areas of the curriculum
Each English unit, beings with reading lessons that engage the children with a high-quality text to ensure that reading is inspiring their writing. Shared reading is carefully planned considering questions linked to the content domains, teaching new vocabulary and providing additional practice in decoding. Our book-led curriculum means reading for purpose is evident across the school day.


Reading Aloud
To develop a culture of reading for pleasure, teachers read aloud to the children daily. We call this STAR time (Stop Teaching And Read). Teachers choose high-quality texts from the Reading Spine or from their carefully selected class libraries. We also have teacher-led reading groups. 


The KS2 reading club have loved reading Thomas Taylor's series of books 'Legends of Eerie-On-Sea' together and even got the matching t-shirts!

Phonetically controlled books

Reception and KS1 children take home phonetically controlled texts that are from or carefully matched to our phonics programme Sounds-Write. Guided reading books for KS1 are also phonetically controlled. The children also have access to these further phonetically decodable books at home through the ActiveLearn website.

Accelerated Reader

KS2 children take home reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ages. We use Accelerated Reader, which assesses their reading ages at least 4 times per year.  After reading their book, children are required to take a quiz that assesses their comprehension of the text. Teachers monitor the children’s progress and provide targeted, prompt interventions when needed. Accelerated Reader provides lots of opportunities to motivate and reward the children for independent reading. We have a word millionaires board, award certificates in assembly and give reading rewards like the family reading cafe.


Reading Practice

We aim to ensure our children read for a least 20 minutes each day. Reading is promoted as the most important form of homework and this is monitored daily by staff through homework books. Children in reception and KS1 are listened to read 1:1 to ensure they are decoding successfully and gaining fluency. Children who are still developing fluency in reading in KS2 are also regularly listened to read 1:1. Assembly times are used for reading interventions to help children keep up and catch up.

Reading Environment

Reading and books are showcased and celebrated all around the school. These book displays are changed regularly and reflect the current themes and topics being explored. Children can be often found reading around the school at break and lunchtimes. Classroom doors display books that have been read by the class to promote discussions. The corridors that lead to our KS1 library, are invitingly decorated with the children's favourite characters. Classrooms have well-organised libraries that are stocked with high quality, carefully chosen texts, including multiple copies of books from the year group’s reading spine and topic themed books. Whole class sets of books have been invested in and are continuing to grow. 

Life-Changing Libraries

Here at Saviour, we are extremely lucky to have two brand new Life-Changing Libraries, opened by Cressida Cowell herself. The libraries are well stocked with an abundance of high quality, diverse and inclusive range of books. We also have regular magazine subscriptions and a Toniebox for audiobooks. The children are able to visit the library as often as they like and take out books/magazines to read at home. A dedicated slot on the timetable also ensures all children experience the library, and that staff can support and enthuse the children when choosing a book.

Team Read

We have an elite group of adults and children who are passionate readers. They wear a special badge and it is their job to spread their love of reading, recommend books and be reading role models around the school. We also have seven special ambassadors who are our school librarians. See Team Read's top tips for home reading here.

Author visits

A key part of taking part in the library initiative is giving the children the opportunity to meet authors and illustrators. We ensure the children have a range of opportunities to meet inspirational people throughout the year. In the last year, the children have met Cressida Cowell, Tom Palmer, Joseph Coelho, Steve Smallman, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Emma Jackson. Visiting authors sign the author walls in our libraries.

Reading Events

Although books are celebrated every day at Saviour, we also hold special reading events to promote awareness, create excitement and highlight the importance of reading to the whole school community. These events include World Book Day, World Poetry Day and Book Trust's Pyjamarama.

Books at home

We are committed to ensuring every child in our school not only has access to books at home, but also access to their own books. We aim to build each child’s personal library in the following ways: Prizes in school are always books, books are bought as Christmas presents, Scholastic book fairs, Marcus Rashford’s Book Club, entering competitions and prize draws and through additional funding.